How to Make 3D illusions drawings and sketches: Sketch Portraits


Sketch Portraits

        A portrait can be done in three ways, Sitting in front of the model. Relying on memory or just imagination! From simple pencils to oil paints, any medium can be used for personification. The use of media depends on your practice, study, and interest. The best way to study personification is to practice sitting with a 'middle' in front of you, but this type is often costly. Often the personification is based on memory by observing the people around him. 

         Observing not only the ear-nose-eyes or the hands-feet but also the limbs of the people, their postures, their limbs, and also the facial expressions that complement the subject have to be considered. Only if the painter has recorded all these variations in his mind can he get out of the picture? various patterns of hairstyles, costumes, and ornaments can be seen in movies or plays. After returning from the theater, it is very useful to draw such detailed pictures of the characters. 
         Photographs are also good for this. As the observation involves the lock and the background. It is also necessary to think of proportion. Proportionality should be in your eyes, only then can it get out of hand. The best examples for the study of proportionality are the Greek sculptures, but these sculptures, are mostly of a tall and strong individuals. In fact, not all people are like that, one should keep in mind while studying those sculptures. look at the sketch of a woman. 

India women sketch eeIndia women sketch iuyu

In portraits shading is very important, many draw lines of eyes, mouth, face, etc. but one should do only shading lines which makes the image real. it might not get the image proportion first but after practice, you can easily do the things. heavy out-lines should be avoided. avoid using dark outlines, it's okay with hairs and eyebrows but it should not use everywhere. At the time of blending also proper flow should be there sudden start and stop will make a disaster. Side figure of women. Sketching is very necessary for portraits.

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