How to Make 3D illusions drawings and sketches: Picture Composition


Picture Composition


To make a picture more effective, it is very important to consider the composition. From the very first question, what should be the subject of the picture, let's start thinking about the composition of the picture. First of all, you have to find the most important or dramatic moment in the subject or event on which you want to draw a picture. If you capture that moment exactly, it is more likely to be attractive. For example, it would be more appealing to portray two warriors as fighting with hatred and Dussehra as he repulses, rather than just holding his sword in his hand. In order not to make the picture look monotonous, the elements in the picture should be structured at different levels. Painting is more effective if the elements of the picture are properly intertwined than when they are interspersed with each other. Maintaining the balance of the picture does not necessarily mean that the left or right side of the point of view should be exactly the same. Conversely, such symmetry in the picture should be avoided. On the contrary, all the elements of the picture should not be united on one side only. When maintaining the balance of the picture, the object and its shadow should be considered as the only factor. Considering all the shapes caused by the shadow of all the elements in the picture, they are divided as evenly as possible so that the balance of the picture is maintained automatically. The subject of each picture has a 'Center of Attraction'. This point of view should be expressed through the composition of the picture i.e. the proper arrangement of the picture elements and the shadow-light, the painting can be studied through the paintings of western or our own painters. Western painters have created strong considering its influence on shadow-light and picture elements. Our painters do not pay attention to the shadows, they only calculate the shapes.


                 In the first picture above, all the people are on the same line. The design feels monotonous, changing their standing position in the adjacent picture, making the design attractive. Since each person in the first picture below is isolated, the structure does not feel homogeneous. But the picture becomes more attractive if all the same people are intertwined with some grain.


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